Maddie, Grady & Gracie: Tampa Pet Photography

black_pug_grass_tampa_pet_photographyHello everyone! I am back with some new pet photos to share! Earlier this week I traveled to Zephyrhills Florida to photograph 2 cats and a dog that belong to my client Elizabeth. A friend of hers gave her a gift certificate for this photo shoot for Christmas! Maddie is an adorable and sweet 4 year old black pug. She seemed slightly unsure of me for a minute but then was very friendly and seemed curious about the camera. We took her out in the front yard for some photos in the sun. People seem to think you cannot get good photos of black dogs, this was mentioned in a previous post involving another black dog I photographed in December. As with all dogs putting them so they are facing the sun is how you get the detail. I bring out additional detail with photo shop filters. Putting people in the direct afternoon sun is not flattering at all but with animals it is fine though the late afternoon light is best for everyone :).


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Here is one more photo of Maddie I took inside. I really like it in Black and White



Next up is Grady the cat. He has a beautiful thick coat and orange eyes. He didn’t mind me being there and it wasn’t too difficult to get a few fun portraits of him. He looks kind of mad in some of them though!





Finally there is Gracie who is one of those cats who is terrified of strangers. She is a beautiful Scottish Folds cat.  Elizabeth did not think we would be able to get any good photographs of her and I started to think so as well but finally with the use of some catnip and my zoom lens we lured her onto the kitchen table. I love the first shot of her peeking over the table before deciding to jump up!



I wish I could have gotten an image of all three together but we ran out of time and that would have been probably my biggest challenge yet! I left really happy that I was able to get some quality images of all three pets.





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